Current state

So, we all know there is a ton of “stuff” going on energetically right now. Those of us sensitive to what is gong on have been picking up on this for months. But there is sort of a crescendo happening now, that will continue through the end of December. There are a few different reasons behind this, but I have been receiving messages via my guides and in dream state that there is a culmination now leading into 2021. Many of us are coming “online” at this time for these reasons. Of course, I wanted to cross reference this information with some of the feedback from people that I trust in my galactic psychic “toolbox of experts” in various areas. I found a couple of sources that have some really amazing perspective in terms of the astrological significance of this time, as well as the timing of this conscious “upgrade” or ascension window.

Melanie Beckler talked about this in her November 22nd video on "The Full Moon Eclipse.” You can watch her full video here, but I took the liberty of transcribing the key points below, and adding in my own commentary where appropriate:

“The full moon lunar eclipse energy on November 30th brings an extra potent, turning point energy and there are 5 key points that are really important to know about the energy on and around the November full moon lunar eclipse in Gemini - which is affecting everyone. This full moon occurs at 1:30 AM Pacific time on November 30th and brings a potent energy of change which is then going to be accelerated as we enter further into the new eclipse cycle and leading up to the profound solstice gateway on 12/21/2020.

In general, full moons are always times of illumination and a powerful point where you can let go of the old, and focus on what you are manifesting and calling forth in your life. This particular lunar eclipse is an amplification of that energy, so it is a powerful time to set intentions.

5 things:

  1. This energy is creating a profound point for release and for letting go, more so than during a normal full moon, this energy is shining a light on what is no longer serving us. We are seeing this unfold on a collective scale, but also individually in your life. Pay attention to what things, patterns, or habits have been perpetuated in your experience but aren’t really serving you or in alignment of the vision of what you truly want to create. On and around the full moon, a spotlight may be shining on what you need to let go of. This can lead to emotions being intensified and challenges appearing. However, when you release the old patterns and when you face the core wound, which for many light workers, on and around this time, there’s a spotlight shining on what has not been resolved yet. So if you have done a lot of clearing, or if there are things you have not wanted to face like really really heavy stuff coming up for you, be patient with yourself. Don’t judge what is bubbling up to be looked at and be extra gentle with yourself and the part of you that is showing up that is fearful, shameful, in grief, or in the lower vibrational emotions. Love what arises, greet it with gentleness, and know that this is key in order to integrate the lessons from it so you can finally release it and let it go. You may see core wounds, negative patterns, or actual habits and distractions that you have been perpetuating in your external reality. These are all scattering and lowering your energy. When you let these go, you make way for new fertile soil to be created in your energy field and for new manifestations, and truly the highest Devine and possible outcomes in your life to be created as a result. In addition, new levels of light are available on the other side of release and letting go. This release really brings us to a key turning point. [Reference my posts on 3D vs 5D and others for more info on this].

  2. This Full moon is presenting us with a choice point. A fork in the road has emerged and you likely have already known what this is on some level. But on and around the full moon eclipse, something comes to light and becomes clear about what you need to shift, modify or let go of. Some of the key areas that these choice points are emerging for many people are in relationships, work, and home situations, and abundance. So a choice point emerges and you have the choice to go in the direction of what your intuition/higher self/gut is urging you to. Or, are you giving into temptation to maintain the statues quo and to maintain the current trajectory that you have been on because that choice seems scary? By making a choice that is in alignment with your intuition now, and in making a choice that moves you further along the path of embodying your truth and shining more of your light, this can be a profound turning point that. If you can make the choice, commit to the the change, and as we move to eclipse cycle toward the solstice, things can begin to positively transform for you. But this is your choosing and probably a choice that has already been presented, but now there is a cosmic push to shine a light on it that yep, this is the thing and its time to choose to change and to grow. Now is the time to listen to your intuition and not to let fear block you. Know that its time to move forward with clarity in your mind, love in your heart, and taking inspired action to anchor the higher light into being.

  3. The choices and changes you make will open you to a new direction. A new timeline, possibility or direction is emerging and you can seed it now with the highest divine possibilities for your life by getting clear about your intentions and by planting the seeds of intentions into the fertile soil that is created on the other side of release and letting go. So what does this look like? This involves taking the time to script what your perfect day looks like to you. What does your ideal life look like? What does a good, true and beautiful life for YOU look like? Not for anyone else - not for your parents, your spouse, or your friends. For you. What truly feels soul nourishing, enrichening, rewarding and joyful? What lights the spark of joy within you when you think about it? Get clear on what this looks like and set the intention and hold the vision for living your most vibrant, rewarding, fulfilling and beautiful life. And know that when you do this now, things can begin to change and unfold for you very quickly to bring you into alignment with this higher vibrational octave of living your highest truth for your life. [Side note: The universe does not play around here and is not confined to time constraints, so you will probably begin to notice synchronicities and things unfolding pretty quickly!]

  4. Consciousness is expanding. There is an awakening which is unfolding at the collective level. This means that you have already awakened to a certain extent by realizing this, but there is further to go. [See my post called “baby steps” explaining this]. There are new levels and there is always a next level of consciousness expansion of living your truth and light. Stillness is a key. Stillness is that key point of change that allows you to transition in the moment out of ordinary mental consciousness into living and embodying your Devine consciousness and allowing a higher level of your light, Devine wisdom, and higher Devine perspectives to flow through you. So to tap into the conscious expansion available, you must take time to get still, quiet, and to tune in. [This is something I have been preaching in just about every post! See my post on flow state or others for more information].

  5. There is already an incredible amount of light waves and light codes / awakened consciousness energy streaming onto the planet and rising up from the crystalline grid and the awakened earth. You can choose to allow the light to guide your way through by returning to your center and to that place of presence and reconnection with your inner Devine “I Am” core. To neutrality, to love [flow state]. To hold the field of love when you are in presence, with a clear mind, open heart, and a willing to adapt and to create change, to make the choice that is in alignment with your highest truth, the light will guide you through. Allow the Divine light to reveal your highest trajectory. Know that in this full moon in the astrological sign of Gemini, there is this duality continuing to unfold so the choice really can boiled down to - love or fear. Which are you choosing? Keep connecting into how to love your self more, to act in alignment with love and with your truth, to bring forth new possibilities into your life experiences and to claim this pivotal shift point so that you align and unleash new levels of joy, of vibrant wellbeing and light in your life.

    Lastly, this full moon, again, is just the entrance, just the beginning as we are entering into the eclipse cycle of transformation, with the profound solstice gateway right in the middle. The new light will literally shift in eras. For now, can prepare for it by claiming the opportunity this full moon, in this now, to let more of your light / joy/ truth be expressed and be shined through you.”