Flow state

I have referred to “flow state” a few times and I thought it deserved a dedicated write-up about what that means. For me, flow state is when I am in a state of allowance, free from judgement and ego. It is in this state that you can tap into the 5D state (or fifth dimensional state), which you can read more about in my post here. You may have heard of the term zero point. I equate this to flow state. When I go into zero point or flow state, I am sitting with my own frequency and just allowing the presence of “I AM” to permeate. I also breathe, and go into my breath as an observer (Embodiment).


To begin, I recommend finding a comfortable space to sit quietly without distractions. I like to listen to binaural beats with headphones to tune out any surrounding noise and to get into more of a meditative state. Here’s a link to one that I like: https://youtu.be/1MPRbX7ACh8 and I’ll post more below. Once you are comfortable, allow your thoughts, images, feelings to come and go naturally and just observe them, while breathing and bringing your awareness to your breath and self.

To get into a flow state, I usually recommend starting with something easy to bring your attention and awareness to feelings that are good (opposed to worry, stress and anxiety). To do this, you can recall and feel into the love you have for your favorite pet or your child.  Notice in your heart center that you may feel awareness here, or a tingling feeling.  Bring your attention to this feeling and to this space in your body.  You can send breaths to this space once you have identified the feeling. 

Sending breath uses an awareness that is also needed to observe the feeling.  Recall or recreate the images of your pet or child that you used to generate the feelings of love.  Hone in on that feeling in your body and get familiar with it. That feeling is your truth frequency.  You will use this as a basis for reading energy going forward. 


When I tried to teach this to my family, I had them try another exercise of bringing their awareness up and down their bodies. You can do this by sitting still and wiggling your toes and bring your awareness there.  Literally feel the movement and recognize that you consciously feeling that, is awareness.  Now bring your awareness up to your knees.  Feel them, pause and observe. And then move up your body.  When you get to your solar plexus area, bring your awareness there. Next move up to your heart chakra (or heart center), and so on - up to your crown chakra.  You can then do the reverse and go back down to test your awareness “moving with your thought.”  For my own energetic practice, I will do a full body awareness scan and notice any energetic blocks that may be in need of some clearing.  More on this later….

If you are still struggling with finding your flow state, keep practicing, and keep dedicating time each day to sit with yourself, meditate, and to allow your thoughts to flow. I encourage everyone to find your flow state at least a couple of times a day to start if you can.  Take 5 minutes before you get out of bed in the morning, or while you are in the shower (water is a good conductor of the energy of flow-state), or while you are sitting outside in nature. When you are first starting out it can be helpful to set up a quiet space for yourself, and fill it with things that inspire you or that you feel drawn to. For me, this space consists of a quiet corner with a comfy chair, things that I feel connected to, like:

  • Items that help create a peaceful environment can be added - like the Himalayan salt lamp that neutralize electromagnetic radiation, or you can burn some incense to reduce anxiety, boost your mood, and increase creativity.

  • Anything from nature - usually crystals, minerals, shells and fossils for me.

  • The tarot cards, astrology book, pyramids, space items, sacred geometry, and other things to tap into my soul’s knowingness and remembrance of these items from my previous incarnations.

  • You can use something to focus on if that works well for you - like the mandala meditation, or you can play some binaural beats in the background if you can’t drown out the sounds around you. I like the one posted above but here is another that is good for working with Theta waves (helps with intuition and connecting with your psychic abilities): https://youtu.be/COMwjWOFuWY. There are tons of binaural beats videos you can find searching YouTube. (Different frequencies are good for different chakras, activations, and healings. More on that later!)

  • If you are lucky enough to have a pet that likes to join in too, they are wonderful receivers of higher energy and can help you connect with your higher self easier. :)

All of this will help create a peaceful space for you to meditate and work on finding your zero point or flow state. Here is a quick shot of one of the spots I have set up for myself:


I find that I can also more quickly and easily bring myself to a flow state the more I practice. I spend anywhere from 60-80% of my day in this state depending on work, and the demands of the day.  For instance, I used to consciously shift my thinking from my egoic mind (what’s for lunch, what is that noise, the dog is barking), to this breathing, flow state of being. Now I can flow in and out of awareness (3D vs. 5D pretty seamlessly).


Once you are familiar with your own energy you can start playing with reading other energy and that’s where things get interesting. :)