Stepping out of the matrix

Aside from shining a light on everything unfolding on the earth plane right now, 2020 has allowed for major opportunities for spiritual growth, DNA upgrades and activations, and ancestral healing. I thought it is important to take a closer look at what that means, and what is happening “behind the scenes.” In my 3D vs 5D post, I really look at the distinction between the different dimensions and how the frequencies of each are held in different states in the same way that people are accessing or tapping into these frequencies and states. I also previously defined what is happening on an individual level as we are going through an ascension process.

As earth (or Gaia) is now grounding in the higher frequencies, our mind, body, spirit being seeks to align, like a magnet, with these universal love vibrations. The cosmic pull to fifth dimension evolution is insistent and powerful. Surrendering to this energetic force of light, is the space between stress, control and linear anxiety and the levitating bliss of enlightened existence. To raise our vibration we clear out sources of negativity, from the past and in our present, to align with these higher light frequencies. As this happens, we are responding to stimuli from energetic sources on all frequencies around us.

For those who chose the red pill or who have always been “awake,” the new earth is being birthed in our collective consciousness. The awakening of our consciousness to multiple layers of our existence is occurring as we break memory loop modifications. Our ongoing, trans-dimensional work on other frequencies to assist the ascension of humanity is becoming increasingly understood. Cultural rewiring is taking place across society as social media rewrites the rules on engagement within the matrix. The 3D matrix is being looked at and dismantled as we speak, unable to upgrade to more advanced frequencies.

We feel the bliss, the zen, and the pull to higher states of consciousness constantly, while they also clash with the requirements of our daily matrix 3D lives. As the matrix is in the process of being dismantled, the fear is becoming palpable. A sense of growing anxiety and tension can be felt and is held in the core or solar plexus. For many, our spider senses are working in overdrive. These lower vibrations of fear, anxiety, or lack of control can feel like a punch in the gut, a shiver down the spine, or a spiritual shudder. Funneled through our third eye and heart chakra, the fear is partly the massive global purging we are all experiencing. Though our eyes cannot register or make sense of the sources of our fear, our beings know things are going into overdrive on the other dimensions to ensure this dimensional frequency rises.

Each human is able to navigate these upgrades or rises in frequency in a way that is unique to their DNA structure and human-ness. Since humans have free will, we are also able to “participate in the matrix” or to choose to step out of it. There are some who will be unable to hold or handle the higher frequencies at this time, and that is ok. This is a gradual process and as more and more humans are flipping on their own abilities, more and more will choose to participate in these activities, thus unlocking their own abilities.


With all of the “DNA upgrades” and high energy photonic light that is pouring in right now, coupled with the fact that we are dismantling huge systems and programs in the collective, many are experiencing the physical and mental symptoms. The important take away is that we should trust what we are feeling. Our spider senses are picking up on this because it is very real and we are all going through it and experiencing it in different ways. We can manage it with gratitude, mindfulness, humility, meditation and breath work and remembering to take time off, recalibrate and realign with our inner-knowing and truth.

As more and more people start to “wake up” or have their abilities come on line, the frequency of the fifth dimension will be felt and held easier and for more people. We have only just unlocked the gates. The more people holding these frequencies, the faster we shift! Sooo, come on everyone, let’s do this! :)


Content above was collected from