Baby steps

I have talked about how visionaries have pushed the boundaries of what humans knew to be their truths in my post on audacious creativity. We have succumbed to this idea that there are others who know better than us.  Intuitives in particular are great at thinking up ideas that some may see as “far out there.”  The point of having audacious creativity is that you then give yourself permission to think further than perhaps your credentials might otherwise allow.  For example, I don’t have a degree in physics or philosophy, but I have the audacious creativity to ALLOW myself to think beyond what has been perhaps unintentionally limiting my creativity by the notion that a perceived approval is required to move forward.  

“All that was great in the past was ridiculed, condemned, combated, suppressed — only to emerge all the more powerfully, all the more triumphantly from the struggle.”

- Nikola Tesla

If you consider the example of Newton vs. Einstein in 1905, Einstein’s teachers didn’t want to even entertain his theories even though he had proof. In order to accept Einstein’s ideas, it would go against everything they had been taught to believe their whole lives. Their very livelihood and foundation of understanding and awareness of physics would be put into question. This can be very hard to hold if you are attached to your belief systems and emotions because it can feel like a piece of you is wrong. If the teachers and scientists could have detached from their own desire to be right - imagine how much further along we would have been with physics if we just allowed that information to be true in 1905.

One exercise to demonstrate the restrictions that we place on our own perspective is if you visualize yourself looking out the window from the ground floor of a 50 floor building. From this view, you are pigeon holed to maybe seeing some trees or cars. If you go up a floor, your vantage point changes and your field of vision is greater, allowing you to see more from this height. You may see more of the city around you and other buildings and people. From this second floor level, you may think you have a full picture in front of you, but what if there is another floor or even 10 more floors and you can choose to take the elevator up to access these views. Again, you may think you have the full picture from this perspective not realizing that there is actually a 50th floor and from there, you have even more perspective of the world around you. This is the same analogy when used to understand our own abilities and awareness of the world around us and our existence in it.

By being on the ground level floor, we are not only limited in what we can see, but without a willingness or desire to see what else is out there, we are complacent in our understanding of the limited view of the world in front of us. By allowing ourselves to even entertain the idea that there may be a higher floor with a larger perspective, we can unlock more and more potential the higher up we go. Objectively, this is not good or bad, it is just a different level of access, or a different view of the landscape of the world around you. You can revisit the concepts of 3D and 5D in this post for the foundation on what we are looking at.


There comes a point in every “awakening journey” where you have to make a choice to either be comfortable at the building level you are on, or to be open to what else is out there. This is true even if it is only the ground level. You can choose to peel away the caution tape that may be holding you back so that you can take the elevator to the next floor and see what other realities exist. Even once you are willing to “look,” you may develop cognitive dissonance as a defensive mechanism by thinking “oh there couldn’t possibly be anything else above this floor.” But if you do think that, ask yourself what is stopping you from thinking there could be more? As I mentioned previously, humans are prone to attaching to their beliefs and identifying with them on a deep level. It is more than just thinking that the building ends at the ground floor perhaps, but we also make that belief a part of us and it can cause us duress when we are confronted with something to the contrary.

Let’s look at this in terms of something we believe to be true and see how it plays out. Pick a theory or belief that you think is true and try this exercise:

  1. What evidence do you have to support your theory/belief/etc.?

  2. What would it take to convince you otherwise?

I like to use the idea that there is extraterrestrial life because it’s far enough out there to push our comfort zone, but perhaps not so crazy that we would reject it entirely. So if I said to you that I could provide evidence to support the idea of UFO’s which might be contrary to your current belief system, would you be comfortable adjusting your previously held belief of this topic?  If you are disinclined to allow yourself to be open to this possibility, you may want to stop here and consider WHY you are set on your previous beliefs.  I would suggest looking at cognitive bias to help understand what is happening, psychologically speaking:

“A cognitive bias is a type of error in thinking that occurs when people are processing and interpreting information in the world around them. The human brain is powerful but subject to limitations. Cognitive biases are often a result of your brain's attempt to simplify information processing. They are rules of thumb that help you make sense of the world and reach decisions with relative speed.”

When you are making judgments and decisions about the world around you, you probably like to think that you are objective, logical, and capable of taking in and evaluating all the information that is available to you. Unfortunately, these biases sometimes prohibit the evolution of our understanding of something new, or restrict us from even considering that there might be more out there than what we know currently.

The first step in reframing your thinking is to get comfortable with the idea that there may be more out there than you realize. On top of that, depending on your perspective or vantage point, you may see something differently than someone standing on a lower level or floor, based on your (and their) current level of awareness. This introduces us to the concept of fundamental laws of the universe - you can only perceive what is in your range of awareness. In other words, you can’t see the view from the 50th floor when you are standing on the first floor. There is no judgement attached to this, again this is not right or wrong.


One of the first steps I took was realizing that there is more to the conventional 3D world that we all know and experience in our current perception of reality. Once you open that can of worms, it unlocks so many more doors! But you have to start with that first step - taking the blinders off and going to the next floor. You can’t access the higher dimensional qualities and realities from a place of 3D thinking. If you limit yourself to this floor, you will only see more of the same.

At the same time, there is a desire to jump from the first floor to say the 50th floor. I, myself, am guilty of this at times. If I can hold the knowingness that there is more out there, and I am starting to SEE this with my own eyes, why can’t I access all of the other “abilities” like telepathy, levitation, etc. that others can? It is because we can only perceive that which we are ready to see. There are a few ways to break this down, but it is helpful to look at it in terms of energy. If our bodies were just suddenly “switched on” so that we could see everything in 5D, the higher frequency required for this would literally short-circuit our current wiring. We are slowly evolving as we ground in more and more higher frequencies, but it does not happen over night. This is why there has been a steady drip of “disclosure” type stories, as the human collective is able to access these traits more and more as people “activate” or “unlock” their abilities and become accessible to the collective.
