Welcome to December!

Welcome to December!


So this is the month we have all been waiting for! Every single fiber of my being is excited and ready to say “out with the old, and in with the new!” December is a month of closure, we are ending these long drawn out cycles and taking time to rest, find new clarity and focus on healing. We can really use the energy of December to our advantage if we appreciate the down-time and take these moments to go within and continue with dismantling and clearing out what no longer serves for our highest good.

Now is a great time to get into the habit of sitting with yourself for a few minutes every day to do some energy work. Here is my condensed, 10 step version of what I do, in case this helps anyone:


First, find a comfortable spot to sit quietly where you can be free from distractions and interruptions for a few minutes. I like to play binaural beats with headphones in to tune out any surrounding noise and to get into more of a meditative state. Here’s a link to one I like: https://youtu.be/1MPRbX7ACh8. There are a ton of different Hz for different things you are working on so you can also find one you like by searching “binaural beats” on YouTube.

Once you are comfy:

1. With your eyes closed, take a few gentle breaths in and out to cleanse your body.

2. Release any tension in your body by relaxing your shoulders, unclenching your jaw, and allowing your body to be still and calm. Continue to breathe in and out slowly and at a comfortable pace for a minute or so.

3. Next, send breath down to your legs and feet, and then out to your arms and hands. Continue to breathe in and visualize sending breath to your heart center, bones, organs, and the rest of your body by visualizing your breath moving and flowing throughout your body. Feel your body expand as you send cleansing breath and energy to all areas of your body as needed. (If you are familiar with the different chakras, you can send breath to each chakra as well).

4. Visualize any energetic blockages or “gunk” particles being broken up and dismantled within your body.

5. You can invite your Guides or God to assist you here if you would like. I simply state that I am calling in my guides to be with me as I do my energy work. Or, you can skip this step if you would prefer.

6. Next, either in your head or out loud state the following intention (or a similar one that resonates with you):

“I set my intention to release any attachments or lower frequency energy that no longer serves me from this and all other lifetimes, throughout time and space. I ask the Universe (or God) to assist me in anchoring in higher vibrational frequencies, for my best and highest good.

And so it is.”

7. Visualize the fragmented pieces of the energetic “gunk” that no longer serve you flowing out with your breath. You can picture it being carried away and transmuted by the Universe (or God).

8. Next, visualize crystalline light particles filling your body in place of the “gunk.” Picture the higher frequency energy circulating around the space that has been cleared while breathing in and stating in your head or aloud to yourself “I Am.”

You can continue to breathe in and out with that knowingness for a few minutes. Soon you should start to feel a bit more centered, and less “heavy,” energetically speaking.

9. Repeat this daily, as needed! And feel free to add your own mantras or intentions above. The words are actually less important than the intention behind the words. So you want to really feel what you are saying, and hold a knowingness that it is true.

10. Hang on to your hats as we ride the upcoming wave! Stay embodied and focus on your intentions and what you are allowing into your life. Try to stay out of fear and the lower vibrational frequencies as often as you can.

Between now and the end of the year things are going to feel like they are moving at warp speed. Astrologically speaking, there are several key dates that are coming up this month to keep an eye on!
