
From a frequency perspective, peace is the highest level of consciousness before enlightenment, according to Dr. Hawkin’s research on the consciousness scale. Dr. Hawkin’s theories are based on his kinesiological research and studying different brain waves and vibrations. According to Dr. David Hawkins, nearly 80% of the world’s population are at low-conscious levels. He also states that consciousness is a sliding scale with spirituality, love, and self-actualisation being the signifiers and pathways through which you can move up. According to Dr. Hawkins:

“We are all born with a level of consciousness, an energetic frequency within the vast field of consciousness. And with The Map of Consciousness, we can truly understand the total spectrum of human consciousness.”

This article states, “One human calibrated above 600 counterbalances the negativity of 10 million people below 200.” This is actually a huge point that we should all pay attention to and that perhaps I have not stressed enough previously. But it is extremely important to realize that we EACH have the ability to hold higher states and pulling the collective up, or counterbalancing the lower states. If you can find peace and stillness within you, you hold a higher vibrational state and help to balance out any of the lower levels in the collective. I have been talking about detaching and getting to a place of neutrality by being the observer, rather than “playing IN” the drama around you. Taking a look at the image below, you can see that neutrality is at 250, so anything from this point or higher will help pull up the lower levels in the collective, even if they don’t have the same impact as one human calibrated at 600.

It is helpful to look at the different levels so you can start to identify where you are in your own consciousness journey. Above neutrality, at the point of willingness at 310, you start to set goals and work toward achieving them. Many people are either at this level now, or entering a state of acceptance at 350, where you start to realize that you are the creator of your own life. This is where you awaken to realize the potential within and start making proactive moves toward reaching your goals, rather than blindly or passively accepting what life throws at you.

consciousness 3.png

Above acceptance are the states of reason, love, joy, peace and enlightenment. Most of us will not reach enlightenment at 700+ (think levels comparable to Buddha or Jesus). But we are able to reach the levels of reason, love, joy, and perhaps even peace by doing our own inner-work. Though this article states that only 1 in 10 million, or .00001% of humans reach the level of peace, many of us on a spiritual or intuitive path know energetically that we are tapping into the states or vibrations of love and even joy more and more often and for longer periods of time. With love at 500, you begin to see things through the lens of the greater good of humankind. Here, you take what you have learned in your mind through reason and you let your heart and intuition take over. With Joy at 540, love becomes unconditional and your life is in alignment with Divine Will, similar to saints and spiritual gurus.

Dr. Hawkins discusses a database of consciousness which "transcends time, space, and all limitations of individual consciousness” that anyone can tap in, 'ask' and then 'know'. I would argue that many of us are pushing the bounds of love and even joy as we approach the cosmic shifts and ascensions that are taking place within each of us, and the human collative as a whole. By “being in” these states more often through out the day, we are literally tapping into these higher states and also anchoring them within ourselves, and helping to PULL the collective up to these states as the universe seeks balance through out.

Dr. Hawkins also discusses Carl Jung and consciousness, synchronicities, intuition, and premonition that I have also posted about and connected the dots within my own mind before seeing his work. It’s funny to think of this now, in context of what I now know in terms of my push to start this website a year ago. At the time, when I thought Beacons for Peace related more to peace in the world (which is still very important, obviously), I now see it as an importance for each of us to hold our own frequency of peace, so that we can literally be Beacons For Peace, and spread our light out to others, Care Bear style to all in our own lives, communities, and even the world. We are each so important in a collective sense that we often lose site of this the craziness of everything going on in the world.

Now, more than ever, it is important to put in the work to find your inner peace so that you can help co-create the new reality that we are all shifting toward. Having this knowingness a year ago but not understanding why I was having a nagging push to create this site and to write this blog, it is all making sense.

We are each doing our parts, no matter how small it may seem, to balance the scales toward Peace. And that is very powerful. <3

If you are interested in learning more about Dr. Hawkins work, check out his books: Power vs. Force, The Map of Consciounsess Explained, and Transcending the Levels of Consciousness on Amazon.
