Reclaiming your power

I recently discovered Damien Wynne on YouTube who has a background in clearing ancestral traumas and energetic “baggage.” This is especially timely as it relates to what we are going through now with COVID, the political arena, and everything else going on. He does work on a cellular level, including working with stem cells. Damien states that they are programmable and they listen to everything. This can have an effect on your cellular information if you are living in the lower vibrational states of anxiety, worry, stress, or fear for extended periods of time. This can be both in overt situations as you experience what is going on in the world, and also subconsciously via social media and the news. Damien’s work focuses on what we have taken into our system so we can release it both on a cellular level and in our nervous system so that we can return to a state of a creator being. This is especially important right now as we are ushering in these higher frequencies and light codes and grounding or anchoring these in for collective consciousnesses to access.


The piece that really resonated with me is that when we allow these lower vibrational things to enter our consciousness, it really causes our higher self to be more fragmented and outside of our physical body and our aurora field. By clearing these heavy dense subconscious programs and traumas, it allows us to bring back in our higher state and spirit and to embody our higher self once again.

I did this clearing this weekend, and it was one of the best that I have done. I HIGHLY recommend spending an hour and listening to this video. I recommend doing it when you can sit alone, quietly, and really go through the exercise of connecting to your body, and higher self, allowing you to EMBODY your spirit and your inner-knowing.