
If we understand that everything is made of and gives off energy (see my previous post here to understand what energy means), then we can recognize that every interaction we have with another human is an exchange of energy.  The conversation, the energetic frequency between you physically, and the frequencies and vibrations observed in the other human.  If you are sensitive to the energy of others, you can become easily “turned off” to the energy of someone.  What this means is that the vibrational structure or code of that person is not in resonance with your own vibrational frequency.  What does it mean to be in resonance?  I googled this to try to find a term I could quote to explain better than I could, and found an article from 2013 that still holds true today.  “Resonance means to be aligned with, at the same frequency of, sharing a vibration, and is a term that has defines our new ways of connecting with each other. Resonance is our way of determining how we connect with people and situations and what we can connect with.”  The author continues: “There were people and situations we naturally gravitated towards and others we avoided, things that made us feel good or bad, and that we liked or disliked. But because we now know ourselves as energetic beings our awareness of different frequencies and vibrations is much stronger. The gift of our enhanced energetic awareness is a heightened sensitivity to the differences between frequencies, as well the unlimited supply of frequencies we can choose from. And this new focus makes it difficult, if not impossible, to resonate with what doesn’t match our own energetic frequency.”

To say that you resonate with someone energetically is not a judgement or a hierarchy since energy isn’t intrinsically good or bad – it’s a spectrum, or like a sine wave.  When something or someone is not in resonance with you, this simply means that the frequency is not congruent with your own.  I picture magnets when I tap into this visual.  You can “jive” with them, or you can “oppose” them, energetically.  This may have absolutely nothing to do with physical appearance or attraction, views on topics of discussion, or even the conversation itself.  Energy is objectively a component of your own DNA makeup and personal frequency.  Like a thumbprint, each person’s energy or frequency is unique.  Sometimes you flow together and sometimes you don’t. 


So what happens when someone comes into our energy and we do not resonate with them?  Again from the article, the author states: “Resonance is an aspect of multi-dimensionality that we must learn to use. It’s part of our new earth paradigm and it is the point from which we will create everything in our life from this point forward. It will be increasingly difficult for us to be aware of, choose, and connect with something we do not resonate with. When we use resonance to make our choices we remember that everything is energetic and making choices based on resonance keeps us within the scope of our intention so that everything we manifest is an aspect of our most powerful, heartfelt intentions for ourselves and our life.” 

We are at a point in our now moments that those who do not resonate with us, will simply be removed from our space or our lives.  Many may notice that past relationships are falling apart or they are drifting away from friends.  Of course there may be underlying reasons why things unfold a certain way, but if you feel into the energy of that person you can usually tell if their frequency is aligned with your own, or, in resonance.  Everyone then has a choice with how they respond to this. It can be challenging when those who you may not be in resonance with are your family members or spouse. My advice here is to spend time tuning into your own frequency and recognizing what feels off energetically. You can do this by working on getting to your flow state.


Reference: by Jennifer Hoffman