Doing energy work

I spoke about the idea of Stars Seeds and Light Workers or Light Warriors in an earlier post, where many people are receiving messages from their guides or higher self or an intuition or knowingness that they are here on a mission and to do something to help humanity. People experience these callings in many different ways - some are grid works, reiki practitioners, galactic psychics, or energy workers, to name a few. I wanted to share more about what I know to be “my personal truth” but also in case anyone else can relate.

I know my own personal mission or calling is primarily to serve as an energy worker. The visions and knowingness that I have confirm that this energy work consists of a balance between both the external energy work, AND the internal energy work as you cannot have one without the other. I picture this like the ying and the yang, or the as above so below (like this tree):


Being called to do energy work is rewarding in a sense of feeling like you are contributing something to the greater good, but it is also extremely taxing - both physically and spiritually. To do energy work internally an externally takes an awareness of self in order to use temperance in approaching both in parallel.

Lately I want to get out as much information as I can because of the sheer number of downloads I have been receiving, but I am also reminded to take time to sit with myself too, because I am integrating all of the information and higher energetic codes for myself AND the collective. I struggle with what to do first or how to accomplish one vs. the other. As an old friend and I would say to each other, the answer is always both. In order to hold the higher frequencies for the collective, I have to fist do the inner work in order to clear out any emotional gunk or baggage and free up energetic space to receive and anchor in the higher vibrational frequencies for the collective.

Internal Energy Work

I will start with discussing doing internal energy work because this one is not quite as fun as the external energy work. :) But as I said above, it is equally important. By looking within, we are forced to examine the internal beliefs, programs, and biases that we have formed from years and years of baggage and conditioning. I mentioned in an early post that this is especially hard for people who are naturally intuitive, empathic or highly sensitive from an early age because we are so used to pushing down or shutting off our natural gifts and abilities. We typically ignore our intuition intentionally in order not to feel everything so deeply. When we are used to doing this most of our lives, it can be hard to then literally do a 180 and force yourself to go within and dissect many of the previous belief systems and paradigms we were holding.

Once I identified that this level of allowance was required in order to access the information that I had always known, it unfolded pretty effortlessly. I have always been different, and my thoughts and opinions were usually in direct contrast to what most of the “main stream” population or culture dictated. I knew from an early age what it felt like to feel like I was from another planet, metaphorically speaking. I held my own personal truths or knowingnesses since I was born. I remember hearing what the adults were saying and wondering how they didn’t “see” what I saw. Often times I remember my body responding because I was not resonating with what they were saying. I often thought that what people said felt wrong or unaligned with my own inner-knowing. The example I always talk about because it is easy to describe is my soul recognizing other creatures as equals in that we are of the same source energy and therefore I found it unnatural to eat animals. I never cared particularly what other people thought about this, because it was just a part of my inner-knowing.

I was acutely aware early on if the frequency of someone or something was… off, or didn’t resonate with me. But back then these ideas and concepts were not really discussed or acknowledged as a child, so I grew up learning how to ignore these intuitions or feelings in order to fit in. Fast forward to today, when I am confronted with something that I either think or believe, it requires me to detach from my old, conditioned way of thinking and to allow myself to feel what I truly feel. This was a learning opportunity for me, because at first I found it difficult to push myself to actually feel and acknowledge what came up. I previously allowed my 3D egoic mind to guide most of my beliefs and thoughts. Only within the last year or so have I started to peel back the layers of what I knew as my very being, the foundation with which I would come to understand my “abilities,” and to piece together the combination of some of my early intuitive messages and “messages” from my guides.

This topic is hard for some on a “spiritual path” to understand, because there is a misconception that this sort of spiritual awakening is all love and light and rainbows and butterflies when it is actually really really difficult. Most people who are able to hold some of this knowingness have experienced extremely low points in their lives. I wrote about my personal dark nights of the soul, which allowed me to unlock some of my own abilities. But I also gained a deeper understanding of the quantum and of the dismantling of the heavier, denser consciousnesses that are present while going through this dark night of the soul. It is at that time that we are literally stripped down to our core and forced to release the things that are no longer serving us in order to step into a new way of being.

For me, this was through experiencing a house fire and the death of my father in just over a month’s time. My very foundation and my life as I knew it was completely dismantled, shaken upside down, and left to start new. In this newness that was created, there was also a re-connection to my self. I was forced to look inward and literally survive. Though I had my family’s support, the only one I could truly rely on was me. I found guidance and reassurance from my higher self and my guides and was shown that these low moments needed to happen so that I would remember my own power.

As humans, we are led to believe that we should not listen to this inner-knowing and understanding. We are told to follow certain protocols even if it goes against knowing what our own body needs or what our truths are in resonance with. We learn from our parents, teachers, and the mainstream media that there is a certain way to do things, to go about life, and to fit in with everyone else. We live and operate from a place of survival, rather than a place of thriving. This is completely unaligned with everything I know and feel to be true and real. Since we are energetic beings, our resonance is aligned with creation and source. This frequency is consistent when we break it down to our very makeup on a cellular level. We cannot therefore exist and flourish in a contrived world of divide, hate, fear and the other lower frequencies that are not natural for our beings. We are all basically just chugging away, trying to stay alive when you really think about it. But my inner-knowing is one of resonance, love, and peace frequencies. I know that this is real, because I can feel it. My soul recognizes it. If I can accept that this is true because I trust in my own knowingness so much, then I know there is another reality or consciousness that we are all CAPBIBLE of feeling and experiencing.

My resonance directs me to the “truth” and I allow this to guide my thoughts, emotions and feelings, rather than reacting to a situation or an external stimulus, like the TV, news and social media, and all the “stuff” that is unfolding right in front of us. When I am in flow state, I can feel into the frequency of any given topic, idea or picture, and feel into the energetic response I receive. This is how I feel into the energy of any particular thing. By recognizing the frequency of “truth,” I can also, by contrast, recognize the frequency of “non-truth” or of fear, anxiety or control. By feeling what comes up and releasing it, I am allowing the higher level frequencies to replace the lower level frequencies, thus “filling my cup” or holding higher level frequencies and light codes. This higher state is what I am anchoring in and using to dismantle the lower frequencies for the collective by transmuting and returning out the cleaned energy.

From the quantum perspective, not only do you give off or radiate out whatever frequency you are holding, you also absorb and hold the frequencies around you. Similar to an infinity sign or the image below, the frequencies that you give off are held and felt by not only yourself, but the collective as well. So it is important to recognize that we are actually responsible for the energy that we put out to the collective. We are literally all in this together. More on this later.


External Energy Work

I enjoy seeing where I feel guided to go on any particular day. Over the past few weeks, I have spent a lot of time at a nearby church. Though I am not religious, I feel the energy there allows me to pick up more on the messages I receive from my guides. In addition, churches are often “therapeutic” spaces, energetically speaking. I tend to feel that places of worship, community centers, and places where people gather together will TYPICALLY hold a higher vibrational frequency. I naturally gravitate toward these places because the frequency is more aligned with my own personal resonance. For these reasons, I prefer to hang out there when I do most of my energy work.

At one particular church that I frequent, in a state of zero point, allowance and flow, I can tap into the energy of nature in the prayer garden and feel into these higher frequencies. The vibrational response I receive both from the church and the land can be accessed pretty easily. In this state of flow or allowance, I can receive information and downloads from my guides or higher self pretty effortlessly. This is usually where I am compelled to grab a pen and paper most often because I tend to receive information much quicker than my hand can write and I am afraid that I will forget it by the time I get home! I have started jotting down notes all over the place just so I don’t lose the information. Once I get home attempt to read my chicken scratches and make sense of what I received.

Here are some photos so you can see if you feel into the energy of the space. Again, I am not speaking about the religious nature of the statues and area, but more so the energetic pattern of the space. I believe certain spaces naturally hold higher vibrational energy especially if they are in nature and away from humans. But the intent behind the space also holds a frequency. For example, the people who made the garden did so with love, and respect for the statues and for the land, so that vibrational pattern is also held and and can be accessed while there.


You don’t have to read energy to see the beauty in that tree! When I look at the roots especially, I can tap into the energy of the history of the land and it is very refreshing or cleansing. Another benefit to sitting in these high frequency spaces is that I can also use it as an opportunity to “recharge” my energetic batteries. I do this as a by product of being surrounded by the higher frequencies and grounding in the vibrations, and also receiving light energy from the sun. This will require a more in depth explanation another time, but I like to sit with the window or sunroof open and my head facing the sun so my third eye or pineal gland can absorb the high-photonic light from the sun.


Lastly, a church or similar type of location provides a good cover. Just imagine how it looks If you are sitting in your car in a church parking lot for long periods of time in 40ish degree weather with your eyes closed, the windows open, and in complete stillness and/or feverously writing pages of notes. Generally, you are more likely to pass as someone just chilling in the parking lot and praying, rather than someone literally doing what I just described. I do recognize how ridiculous this sounds. Regardless…..

There are other places that I visit that are less…. energetically appealing… for lack of a better phrase. It is not necessarily that the physical location is less desirable, although there can be a correlation around the activity of the location since lower vibration activities hold lower frequencies. In these places, I am typically drawn to to alchemize the energy or frequency of the area. To do this, I typically feel into the energy of the space, hold or transmute the energy that comes in, and return back the “purified” energy out to the area I am working on.


I guess I am basically a glorified pool skimmer, but for energy, straining out the gunk and allowing the purified energy to return to the space. The “clean” energy holds a higher vibrational frequency - which is one of a healing, loving and sovereign frequency. I do this by visualizing light emanating from my heart center or 4th chakra / energy center. (Care Bare stare style that I spoke of in an earlier post). To send out higher frequencies of healing/love I use a combination of setting my intention and allowing my energy to exude or be directed out to specific places, people, or areas. I recently was guided to expand the “physical area” that I could cover with this exercise - like to a state or portion of the country, for example. I was sort of shown multiple people, forming these energetic “ties” while we were all shining out our lights and higher frequencies. Similar to these photos below, where many of us are shining out our light in unison:


Everybody has the ability to focus on their own energy and do the internal work so that they can hold higher frequencies. Since we are all connected, the more we can stay in the higher frequencies, the easier it is for us to anchor in and stay in the higher frequencies or 5D realms. I will do another post on how to work on your own energy so you can Care Bear Stare out your high frequencies too. :)

Kristy Hughes