Beacons For Peace

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What am I?

I was guided to write about “what I am” to help ground some of the future posts. When I sat with that for a minute, it made me chuckle. It’s fun to laugh at yourself or your guides when you are told to see something and your ego-ic mind starts to interpret or laugh at your higher self for even suggesting it. But alas, here we are. So putting my snark aside, I started to make a list of what that could mean. (Yes, I am a dork and I like to make lists). Aside from my regular egoic or 3D definition of self (female, mom, whatever I do for a living, etc). I came up with the following:

There are many of us know there is a shift taking place right now. Humanity and earth is changing as we are going through this natural revolutionary “upgrade” or ascension - both personally and collectively. I talked about the differences between 3D and 5D in an earlier post. Many people around the world are having the same or similar thoughts where they are being called upon to be a part of this shift. People across the world are sharing their experiences on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram that they are receiving “downloads,” or messages from their higher selves or guides sharing similar information about their place in holding higher states of frequency in order to assist in this “upgrade.”

There are thousands of people involved who are strategically spread out across the globe in order to collectively anchor in the new grid of these higher frequencies. The synchronicities and commonalities in some of the messages that we are receiving is also consistent. In addition to this, most of us are extremely sensitive to the energy that is felt by ourselves and the collective. We pick up on subtle ques and can feel the changes in the frequencies of the population. The collective agreement amongst those of us in this “group” is that yes in fact, there is some crazy stuff going on right now behind the curtain.

So what exactly is going on behind the scenes that so many of us have this deep connection and understanding of one-another? Many people identify themselves as Light Workers, Star Seeds, or Light Warriors and have a knowingness that they are here on a mission to help change the world. In simple terms, a Light Worker is a person who chooses to change the world by raising the vibration of themselves and others. This article had a lot of the definitions around the various roles that these people are playing and provides a deeper analysis of what this means if you want to learn more. There are many paths to higher vibration and all of them are viable: it is not the details of how you get there, but the outcome that is of greatest importance.

I also found this article by Åsa Larsdotter Falck that I found helpful:


Lightworkers are souls who have a strong inner desire to spread Light (knowledge, freedom and love) on Earth. They feel it is their mission. They are often drawn to spirituality and some kind of therapeutic work. Because of their deep sense of mission, Lightworkers feel different from other people. By experiencing different types of obstacles in their path, life encourages them to find their own unique path. Lightworkers are almost always lonely individuals who do not adapt to established social structures.

A note on the “Lightworker” concept:

The expression “Lightworker” can cause misunderstandings, as it differentiates a particular group of souls from the rest. Furthermore, it may seem to suggest that this particular group is, in some way, superior to the others, for example, to those “non-Lightworkers”. This whole line of thinking is at odds with the very nature and purpose of the work of the Light. Allow us to briefly expose what is wrong with that.

First, claims to superiority are generally not enlightened. They block your growth towards a free and loving consciousness.

Second, Lightworkers are neither "better" nor "superior" to anyone. They simply have a different story than those who do not belong to this group. Thanks to this peculiar story, which we will discuss later, they have certain psychological characteristics that distinguish them as a group.

Third, every soul becomes a Lightworker at a certain stage in its development.

Therefore, the “Lightworker” qualification is not reserved for a limited number of souls.

The reason we use the term “Lightworker” - despite possible misunderstandings - is because it brings associations and stirred memories within you that helps you to remember. There is also a practical convenience, as this term is often used in your current spiritual literature.


Lightworkers bring with them the ability to achieve spiritual awakening more quickly than other people. They carry inner seeds for a quick spiritual awakening. Because of this, they seem to be on a faster track than most people, if they choose. Again, this is not because the Lightworkers are somehow "better" or "superior" souls.

However, they are older than most souls incarnated on Earth today. This "older" age should be understood, preferably, in terms of "experience" rather than "time".

Lightworkers reached a particular stage of enlightenment, before they incarnated on Earth and began their mission. They consciously chose to get involved in the "karmic wheel of life" and experience all the forms of confusion and illusion that are part of it.

They did this to fully understand "the Earth experience". This will allow them to fulfill their mission. Only by going through all the stages of ignorance and illusion themselves will they finally have the tools to help others achieve a state of true happiness and enlightenment.

Why do Lightworkers pursue this sincere mission to help humanity, even at the risk of being lost, for ages, in the density and confusion of terrestrial life? This is an issue that we will deal with extensively below. Now, we will just say that this has to do with a kind of galactic karma.

The Lightworkers witnessed the eve of the birth of humanity on Earth. They were part of the creation of man. They were co-creators of humanity. During the creation process, they made choices and acted in ways that later came to cause them deep regret. They are here now to repair their decisions then.

Before entering this story, we will mention some characteristics of the Lightworking souls, which generally distinguish them from other people. These psychological traits do not belong exclusively to Lightworkers and not all Lightworkers will recognize them as their own. In presenting this list, we simply want to give an outline of the psychological identity of the Lightworkers.

As for the characteristics, the external behavior is less important than the internal motivations or felt intentions. What you feel inside is more important than what you show outside.


- From an early age in their lives, they feel they are different. They almost always feel isolated from others, lonely and misunderstood. They often become individualists and have to find their own ways in life.

- They find it difficult to feel comfortable in traditional jobs and / or in bureaucratic structures. Lightworkers are naturally anti-authoritarian, which means that they naturally resist decisions or values based solely on power or hierarchy.

This trait of anti-authoritarianism is present even among those who seem shy and ashamed. It is related to the very essence of their mission here on Earth.

- Lightworkers are attracted to help people, as therapists or as teachers. They can be psychologists, healers, teachers, nurses, etc. Even if your profession is not directly related to helping people, your intention to contribute to the well-being of humanity is clearly present.

- Your outlook on life is colored by a spiritual sense of how all things are related to each other. Consciously or unconsciously, they carry memories of non-terrestrial spheres of light within them. You may - occasionally - miss those spheres of light and feel like a stranger on Earth.

- They honor and deeply respect life, which often manifests itself as affection for animals and concern for the environment. The destruction of parts of the animal or plant kingdom on Earth by human action evokes deep feelings of loss and distress in them.

- They are kind, sensitive and empathetic. They may feel uncomfortable when faced with aggressive behavior and often find it difficult to defend themselves. They can be dreamers, naive or deeply idealistic, as well as insufficiently "rooted", that is, not having their feet on the ground. As they are able to capture (negative) feelings and moods from the people around them, it is important that they can regularly spend time alone. This allows them to distinguish between their own feelings and those of other people. They need moments of solitude to recover their base and be in contact with Mother Earth.

- They lived many lives on Earth, in which they were deeply involved with spirituality and / or religion. They were present, in great numbers, in the old religious orders of their past, as monks, nuns, hermits, psychics, witches, shamans, priests, priestesses, etc. They were the ones who built a bridge between the visible and the invisible, between the daily context of terrestrial life and the mysterious kingdoms of the afterlife, of God and the spirits of good and evil. For playing this role, they were often disowned and persecuted.

Many of you were sentenced to the stake for your gifts. The traumas of the persecutions left deep marks in the memory of their souls. This can now manifest as fear of being completely rooted, that is, fear of being really present, because you remember being brutally attacked for being who you were.


Lightworkers can be trapped in the same states of ignorance and illusion as anyone else. Although they start from a different starting point, their ability to break through fear and illusion in order to achieve enlightenment can be blocked by many factors. (By Enlightenment , we mean the state in which you understand that you are essentially of Light, capable to choose light at any time).

One of the factors that block the path of enlightenment for Lightworkers is the fact that they have a heavy karmic burden, which can cause them to stray for a long time. As we stated earlier, this karmic burden is related to decisions they made regarding humanity in its early stages.

These were essentially disrespectful decisions for life (we will talk about this later in this chapter). All Lightworkers who live now want to correct some of their past mistakes and recover and take care of what has been destroyed because of it.

When the Lightworkers complete their path through the karmic charge, that is, when they release all kinds of power needs, they will understand that they are essentially beings of light. This will allow them to help others to find their own true selves. But first they have to go through this process themselves, which usually requires great determination and perseverance at the internal level.

Due to the values and judgments instilled in them by society, which often go against their own natural impulses, many Lightworkers got lost, ending up in states of self-distrust, self-denial and even depression and hopelessness. This is because they are unable to adapt to the established order and conclude that there must be something terribly wrong with them.

What Lightworkers have to do, at this point, is to stop looking for external validation, through parents, friends or society. At some point, you (who are reading this) will have to make the leap to true authorization, which means truly believing in yourself and truly honoring your natural inclinations and inner knowledge by acting in accordance with them. We invite you to do this and assure you that we will be with you every step of the way - just as you, in the not too distant future, will be there to help others on their way.