Turning point

Today was one of the best days I have had in a long time. I attributed this to finally being open and receptive to whatever good the Universe was sending my direction. I started a 9-hour audio book on The Healing Codes, which I managed to finish in a day and a half. The whole week I felt alive, free of stress and physical pain, and so clear-headed that it was almost like a euphoric feeling. For whatever reason, things were just clicking. I like to think of this day as the beginning of my “spiritual awakening.” I was curious, motivated, and open to whatever the Universe was going to send me. I desperately wanted a break from trying to control every scenario in attempts to decrease my odds of repeating negative experiences / memories / etc. It was simply exhausting. I made a subconscious decision not to fester in this negative space any longer. The lows sucked, but the highs I figured by mere contrast, had to be high. I started journaling more and documenting some of my thoughts, which ultimately gave me the idea to share this in case other people might be going through similar experiences.

Once I gave myself permission to explore memories, I tapped into some of the sense memories that I had.  I have always had very intense connections to the energy of things, usually living.  But I can also easily feel the feelings associated with smell, touch, sound, etc.  Here are some positive examples I identified right away:

  • The smell of Lilacs remind me of Easter time with my family and I can FEEL myself back in the yard taking pictures with our Easter bonnets.  

  • The smell of a certain type of plastic instantly takes me back to days of wearing swimmies and the summers my neighborhood friends and I would swim in the pool together.  

  • The smell of gas reminds me of driving around in my father’s 1970 something Buick Skylark and watching him fill up the tank of gas from the passenger seat.  

  • Replaying the song “Wondewall by Oasis” I am immediately brought back to my 8th grade dinner cruise.

Honestly, I can go on and on but I will save you from re-living my life through sounds and smells.  The point is, by tapping into the GOOD feelings and memories, I got lost in nostalgia and happy times and started working on honing in on and recalling the energy of these memories. I will refer to this as energy surfing in later posts.
