Spiritual practice

So I just posted about my new friend the obsidian owl who arrived yesterday. I talked a little bit about the cleansing I did of the owl in that post, but I wanted to provide more context and elaborate on some of the techniques and processes around what I do when I purchase a new crystal, rock, or other elemental piece. This is really just good spiritual hygiene in general when bringing something new into your house because you never know what has piggy-backed along with the piece on its way to you.

Here are the steps I used with my new owl friend:

  1. After I unpackaged the owl and released him from the bubble wrap, I opened a nearby window and took a minute to get into a "flow state” so I could be better aligned, energetically, to perform my ritual.

  2. I called in or invited my guides in to assist me with clearing the owl of any negative energetic attachments from his trip (he was mailed from FL).

  3. I set the intention with myself and my guides that we were going to be doing a ritual to cleanse the energy and replace it with positive energy.

  4. I began by cleansing the space using the harmonic frequency of a Tibetan singing bowl, pictured below. Just a gong or two on the bowl is enough and then I kind of swirl it around the owl, asking for any energetic gunk to be broken up and released from the owl.

  5. I then asked my guides to help release any negative attachments or ties that were in or around the owl’s energy. With focused breath and intuition, I pictured the energetic “fog” lifting from the owl.

  6. Then I asked them to remove the negative energy from the space and my house by visualizing it leaving out of the open window.

  7. Next, I asked for source energy to cleanse it. I also like to call in Saint Germain to shine his violet light on the energy, (but you don’t have to do this if you don’t have a “relationship” with him). I asked for the energy to be transmuted and returned to earth / Gaia / humanity in a pure state.

  8. I then asked my guides to fill the space now created from the energetic “fog” lifting with loving, high vibrational energy.

  9. Lastly, I thank my guides for their help with this. This is a very important step and I want to stress the importance of this. Your guides are always willing and available to help, like waiting for you to call on them. But it is really important to practice gratitude and to actually feel the vibration of appreciation and love.


Next, I leave the owl in the windowsill over night, surrounded by some of my more “powerful” pieces to help “acclimate” and anchor in the energy from the rest of them. Here is the picture I shared in the previous post again so you can see what this looks like. You can really use any combination of crystals, rocks, or other elemental pieces that you are particularly drawn to.

Some of my favorites include: selenite, amethyst, black tourmaline, rose quartz, and pieces that also tie in the air and sea, like the shark tooth and trilobites. I will dedicate another post to the qualities of different crystals and why they are significant.


This afternoon, I took a few minutes to sit in mediation and get into flow state to “connect” to the energy of the owl. I played the binaural beats video, linked below, to really tune out any outside interference, and I asked my guides to be with me while I connected to the energy of the owl.

I sat, holding the owl in my hands and felt into my heart center. I set my intention to connect with the energy of the owl. I asked (in my head) what he would like me to call him. With literally zero delay, I immediately got/heard “Horus.” I actually laughed out loud and thought, well ok then.


So I went about my day, leaving Horus in the company of his new crystal “friends” and I just now after work decided to Google Horus to see the significance of it. Per Wikipedia:

“In Ancient Egyptian, is one of the most significant ancient Egyptian deities who served many functions, most notably god of kingship and the sky. These various forms may possibly be different manifestations of the same multi-layered deity in which certain attributes or syncretic relationships are emphasized, not necessarily in opposition but complementary to one another, consistent with how the Ancient Egyptians viewed the multiple facets of reality. He was most often depicted as a falcon, most likely a lanner falcon or peregrine falcon, or as a man with a falcon head.”

Ummm….WHAT! I mean, I have been saying the synchronicities have been wild lately, but I literally had no idea that this is Horus, or knew anything about him. On top of that, I just recently posted about how I feel a deep connection to ancient Egypt.

Wow. I will have to come back to this another time. I am literally speechless.