Beacons For Peace

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Schumann Resonance

The Schumann Resonance (SR) is the measurement of peaks in the ELF (extremely low frequency) spectrum of Earth’s electromagnetic field (Earth’s aura). These resonances are measured by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by Earth’s surface and the ionosphere. The space (the energy field) between Earth’s surface and the ionosphere, acts as a wave guide, so energy shifts can be measured.

The Schumann Resonance base frequency is 7.83 Hz, which is also the frequency of the human alpha brainwave state (this is also the state associated with a meditative state). The ancient Indian Rishis referred to this as OHM, or the incarnation of pure sound.  When the Schumann resonance spikes in amplitude, our brain waves do as well. Over the last 5 years in particular, the resonance has been rising in amplitude, regularly spiking between the power of 20 and 60.

When the SR spikes in power, we may feel the effects of this.  Annette Deyhle PhD, who is the Research Coordinator for the Heartmath Institute stated: “There is no doubt that the electromagnetic conditions on our planet are changing. The region of space we are in is not the same as it was 50 or even 5 years ago as our solar system spirals through our galactic environment. Our spiritual and physical evolution is being fueled by solar and cosmic activity and many other energetic influences. We are living within a transitional period between extensive cycles with differing energy signatures and our civilization is adapting to a new consciousness.”

The term electromagnetic smog refers to all artificially generated electromagnetic fields in the environment and the resulting permanent exposure of people and the environment to them. It would seem then that our nervous system can be influenced by the earth’s electromagnetic field.  It has long been suspected that human consciousness can impact the magnetic field of the earth and create disturbances in it (and vice versa), particularly during moments of high anxiety, tension, and passion charged political, social, economic, and personal environments of our current time, many people have also been feeling like time is speeding up.  As we know from science, the higher the frequency, the more highly diversified the information those frequencies carry. Since we are organic creatures made of matter and susceptible to electromagnetic fields, and because our lives are inseparable from the earth, then if the earth’s frequency is rising, shouldn’t that also raise our frequency?

Increases in frequency create increases in consciousness, and when our consciousness increases, we have greater awareness—and that’s what gamma brain waves are. Gamma brain waves, which can be more than twice as high as high beta brain waves, represent an aroused state in the brain, however, they are not connected to the survival states of emergency mode, but correlated with a kind of super consciousness and awareness, as well as higher amounts of love and compassion. As the earth goes through her metamorphosis, maybe we too have to transition through this time of emotional intensity related to beta brain waves before we enter a new consciousness of gamma brain wave states. And wouldn’t that upgrade our nervous system and expand our perception and awareness of reality?

A May 2019 article called “Is there any scientific evidence that the Schumann resonance frequency is increasing?” stated that “the novel spikes in the amplitudes of the SR are influencing all life on Earth, at the most subtle levels, such as the heart and DNA coherence, our brainwaves and electro-magnetic bio-fields, Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, Depression and other health variables are heavily influenced during the days of SR activity.  We are looking at extremely high - gamma range - spikes in the resonances amplitudes, as high as 190Hz, or 24 times the normal average of 7.83Hz.  The entire harmony of life is depending on the 8Hz - alpha range - frequency and those spikes are rewriting the musical codes of the Matrix, at the DNA level.