Honoring tough days

Some days, it is hard feeling everything so freaking intensely and it fucking sucks. It is so easy to slip back into shutting everything off and hiding under the blankets. By doing “energy work,” I have had to explore some very heavy energies and topics. We are battling extremely intense and dense consciousness in the collective right now including fear, chaos, abuse, control and manipulation. It’s not easy to see this unfold in our own lives and in the collective. The updates from Tyler’s school about another case of COVID and the constant news about spikes in cases and cancelling holiday plans have me in a funk.

I listened to one of Lorie’s videos today and she happened to talk about this very subject, reminding people that it is ok to allow ourselves to feel and have whatever emotions we are feeling and having at any given time. There are millions of Light Workers like ourselves all over the earth plane connected energetically and breaking down dense large systems of consciousnesses. It is incredibly massive what we are seeing and going through. But we aren’t alone.

You can visualize yourself on the front lines with an army behind you and next to you as warriors of light on the front line, charging forward. We continue to take one step after another regardless of what it looks like outside in the external world.

Some days this is easy, but some days, like today, it is hard. And that is ok. There are days where it looks awesome and everything is comfortable and blissful, and there are days where we are like WHAT THE F is going on? We are all going through it together and you don’t leave the front lines when it gets bumpy. Allow yourself to have every experience that comes along with being on the front lines of shifting the entire human collective. If you feel alone, isolated, or like nobody understands you, please know that there are millions of humans standing right beside you on an energetic level and you are not crazy. Everything you are thinking and feeling is ok and we will all get through it.


There is another now moment where all of this is done, but we have to go through it to come out on the other side. As you are going through it, it is important to remember how courageous you are and to give yourself more compassion in any moment that you are uncomfortable. Being human right now as the entire human collective is shifting is no joke. Cry if you need to, but remember who you are beyond your physical reality and body.

Beyond your egoic mind of right and wrong, you are a being of light inside a physical form. We are navigating our lives in a physical vessel that lets us experience all of the emotions, heartache, fears, stress, and anxiety of life right now. But no matter what, we get through this and we do it together. We will come out on the other end in a state of consciousness that is nothing like what we are in now.

You got this, and when you feel like you don’t, you got it any way. Thank you for courageously agreeing to be here in this now moment whether you remember it or not. You signed up to be here to stare these dark consciousnesses in the face energetically, and to shift the collective.
