December 21st

So there’s lots of talk of this coming astronomical event, or the great conjunction. But what exactly is going on?

As 2020 comes to a close, the solar system has decided to grace us with a cosmic Christmas miracle that hasn't been witnessed in nearly 800 years. On Dec. 21 (aka the December solstice), Jupiter and Saturn will align so closely in the night sky that they'll almost appear to collide from our vantage point here on Earth, creating a radiant point of light often referred to as the "Star of Bethlehem" or the "Christmas Star." The event, sometimes referred to as The Great Conjunction, occurs roughly every 19 to 20 years, but this is the closest the planets will line up in the night sky since the Middle Ages.

"You'd have to go all the way back to just before dawn on March 4, 1226, to see a closer alignment between these objects visible in the night sky."

Said Patrick Hartigan, an astronomer at Rice University, according to Forbes. The next Great Conjunction this close won't happen until March 15, 2080.


The Great Conjunction happens the same day of the Winter Solstice (Dec. 21st). At this time, Jupiter and Saturn are going to be visible in the night sky with just 0.06 degrees apart, making it the best planetary conjunction in years.

From Andrew Charles on FaceBook:

The conjunction happens at 0 degrees of Aquarius representing a NEW START & NEW PARADIGM in this Aquarius.

Jupiter & Saturn will be moving out of Capricorn (known for Power, Control, Structures, Lessons) on December 17. Pluto (the planet of transformation) is also currently in Capricorn until 2023. Saturn / Jupiter conjunction is usually the beginning of a NEW 20 YEAR CYCLE. They usually meet in the same element every 19-20 years, only this time, after 200 YEARS, this will happen in AIR instead of EARTH. So really, this is a new 200 year cycle – very different.

So, what does this all mean for us?

Jupiter/Saturn Conjunction is considered to be ‘generational’ and it’s also emphasized to represent a NEW WORLD VIEW particularly when they’re shifting elements (EARTH to AIR). This shift causes huge changes in:

• Social & Political Structures

• Culture of the Time

• Our Values

• The Economy

• Technology

Basically, the way society operates.

This shift is emphasized also because we know *Pluto is moving through Capricorn* which represents the transformation and the deconstruction of the old world order.

This particular conjunction hasn’t happened in the sign of Aquarius since 1405 – the beginning of the EARLY RENAISSANCE – the flowering of creativity, literature, art, etc.

Expect some kind of flowering of our culture – however this one is said to look more technological than creative (Aquarius is associated with Air – technology, communication, consciousness, perception).

Overall, this is great news – get excited!

We’re looking at life enhancing, life supporting new technology, huge changes in the financial system, much greater equalization in wealth and a new world paradigm view.

Moving into the Aquarian energy means collaboration, community, humanitarian projects, a big feeling of sharing. Visualize society being operated from the grassroots up, local communities forming, digital communities and life-affirming innovations.

I personally see this as the shift from centralized power and control, to the return of power to the people!

Side note: Many people don’t know this, but Benjamin Franklin worked with Astrology. When Benjamin Franklin picked a date for America’s Founding Fathers to sign the Declaration of Independence, he made sure the day was a fabulous astrological day. He chose July 4, 1776, because on that day, FIVE planets came together in the sky to form a five planet planetary eclipse.

This isn’t just a powerful day astrologically, it really is the convergence of many other systems as foretold in Hopi and other indigenous prophecies. This portal is a MAJOR Galactic Upgrade of Earth & Consciousness ~ the Great Rebirth of Humanity!


And here is another great clip from Jen McCarty on what is occurring leading up to the December 21 conjunction.