
The below is copied directly from Alex Myles on Facebook:

“Everything on earth (including numbers) has its own unique energetic signature and the vibrational energy radiating from 11:11 is transformational and awakening. This is because it is the first set of repeating number sequences we see when we begin to come into full conscious awareness.

November is the 11th month, and in numerology 11 is a master number that equates to new beginnings, illumination, inspiration, independence and the potential of the soul. Eleven is the most intuitive, creative, enlightening and insightful number in numerology. It is known as the “Messenger” and is a guiding force that helps us readjust and gravitate towards our unique divine path so that we make the most of the possibilities and opportunities intended for us.

11:11 is a spiritual awakening call that presents itself repeatedly so that we become alerted to particular aspects of our life. It raises our awareness by gently jolting us so that we pay attention to the synchronicities that are around us. These nudges are the universe’s way of waking us up through the unique vibrational energy of 11:11.

Many of us may notice that we regularly see 11:11 on clocks, license plates or receipts. The reason the number appears is a personal one, and only the person seeing it will be able to decode its significance accurately. When 11:11 presents itself, we may notice a familiar déjà vu sensation, as though we are trying to remember something from a past life or a dream, without fully understanding why we are trying to retrieve this information or whom it is about.

If there is something in particular we wish to manifest, 11:11 is an opportune time to visualize it. We can make a wish at each 11:11 moment and send it out into the universe. As we approach the 11th day of the 11th month, and during the weeks following, we will likely see an increase in the amount of times we see 11:11, particularly as November 11th signifies the beginning of transformational healing and the ending of destructive areas of our lives.

Throughout this month we may notice we feel highly sensitive and intuitive, as we will be acutely attuned to the subtle energies radiating all around us.

November is a pivotal time to focus on what we want by repeating positive, uplifting affirmations and planting healthy seeds of love. This means that the manifestations that occur will be the ones that we want to take a place of high importance in our lives, and we achieve this by also letting go of the thoughts, feelings and unhealthy attachments that relate to everything we don’t want.